All Street Beckons: Common Wealth Community Update

Common Wealth
5 min readNov 2, 2023


You have been patient — the team thanks you for providing the time and space to fine tune the Common Wealth vision ~ which is becoming more of a reality every day.

Today we can share key updates about the public Beta app test, the Launch Strategy, and All Street ecosystem growth.

But before we dive in, let’s remember why we are here in the first place.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

This was captured perfectly by Erik Voorhees recently at Permissionless: “Crypto is a technology of individual freedom and a declaration of financial independence.

MVP Testing is ready for its debut shortly

We’re thrilled to invite you to join us for open Beta testing on zkSync Era commencing around 6th December ’23. This is a huge milestone for the team who are delighted to share the latest work in progress and provide a strong sense of what will be there at launch:

Features/workflows included in MVP -

  • Registration & log-in, auto-wallet creation, investing, staking for reduced fees, portfolio, integrated community forum, Genesis NFT connectivity on Ethereum, Genesis NFT rewards & allocations, WLTH token.
  • Still being developed: Unstaking, claiming profit, staking/unstaking for governance

If you enjoy testing early stage products, please register to take part in MVP testing here. Customer feedback is a critical component in developing great tech!

Developer Team AMA

Approximately one week before the beta testing commences, you are all invited to meet some of the team who have been so busy building Common Wealth. We will release more details about this and the beta testing over the coming weeks.

But wen launch, wen moon?

Let’s see how testing goes but we are confident the product is getting close to being ready to use.

Common Wealth is all about becoming synonymous with a new era of crypto investing because the discerning retail public wants a front seat, a bigger say, and better quality. We predict this will be a big theme for the coming cycle. Launching this revolutionary new technology solution for the public must be timed to coincide with the new cycle.

Recent market signals are indicating a more positive sentiment is starting to build. Please feel free to keep informing us about when you see the interest is ripe and there is a collective confirmation that the market is ready to enter All Street!

Technology Integrations

As you know we have some technical dependencies on zkSync and Chainlink for several key protocol components. We’re in regular contact with both of their teams and they continue to impress with their delivery and professionalism.

Having said that, blockchain technology being what it is — we are also putting in place contingencies where possible, although as of today we do not expect to need to call upon them.

As for the how of the launch there are still many variables, some in our control and others more market driven. Conscious of the complexities involved in launching successfully, we have strengthened the team with the addition of an experienced ecosystem growth & launch specialist to help safeguard us across this critical milestone.

Common Wealth’s ideal market release is on top of a zkSync interest wave. In preparation, the team have crafted a pioneering launch strategy which will be continually optimised as we build up to launch.

Q: What do you get if you cross an inaugural fund with airdrop campaigns, revenue-based modelling, product market validation, and closed-loop economic value-capture?

A: You get a Common Wealth launch, truly fit for All Street.

It is not easy to have true conviction and absolute confidence after the chronicles of 2022 and most of this year. But we are completely unwavering and here is why — since the inception of Common Wealth, All Street has voted 1,330,000 times. Those are dollars that you, the All Street community have shown your conviction with. Layered on top is an eclectic mix of some of the most interesting disruptors in web3 all signing up to become change makers.

Growing our Ecosystem

All Street needs deep roots in the web3 investment community and we have been able to secure commercial partnerships with organisations we feel provide business validation and will provide tremendous value to the platform Council.

We proudly welcome A195 Ventures, CSP DAO, Black Dragon, Brotherhood Ventures and Cypher Capital to All Street!

Be smart money!

In fact, the time has come for us to turn this network into value for our community.

Re-launch of All Street Beat: Council Edition!

We’re gonna stream fire-side chats with our distinguished Council members who will discuss their personal market views, keeping All Street up to date with the latest outlooks and alpha leading into the next cycle.

You do not want to miss this exclusive series.

And finally…..

This communication would not be complete without the acknowledgement of you — the All Street community.

One of the very first steps taken towards decentralisation has landed even more seamlessly (and successfully, we think) than anyone could have hoped.

The community-owned moderation is a marker for things to come and indicative of why decentralisation can be a better future. Show us another community where moderators give more thorough, sincere, timely and yet brilliantly diverse responses and insight to each other. You can’t, because it doesn’t exist.

When ownership is responsibly devolved it takes on a brilliant new character — let’s just say it’s perfectly All Street. This really is just the beginning of our journey but let’s acknowledge the milestone and the progress to date.

We always knew it wouldn’t be easy, and there remain many unknowns, but one thing is clearer now than ever before: we will.

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Common Wealth

Early-stage VC access for the 99%. Fully decentralised. Fully on-chain. The way it was meant to be. ---